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Thermograph applications with a predictive maintenance tool in the Industry

Energy losses are unacceptable, either in systems of generation and transmission of electric energy or in Generation and Distribution and Use of Steam. The thermograph technique is widely used in the inspection of electrical components and systems can also be used successfully in identifying energy losses in the industry. In this sense, the RM Engineering has equipped to realize inspection processes and qualification of industrial steam using thermographic technique. The results pointed to the importance of operational control by monitoring the temperature variations resulting operating conditions of service.



Predictive maintenance work

Is a regular monitoring of equipment, based on analysis of data collected through monitoring and field inspections. Predictive maintenance has been recognized as an effective technique for managing maintenance. Other terminologies have arisen as tools for maintenance management, these new terms - RCM, reliability-centered maintenance, TPM, total productive maintenance; and JIT maintenance "Just-in-Time" - is presented as the ultimate solution to their high maintenance costs.

Predictive maintenance work is much more

It is a means to improve productivity, product quality, profit, and the overall effectiveness of our industrial plant manufacturing and production. Predictive maintenance is a philosophy or attitude that uses the actual operating condition of the equipment and systems of the industrial plant to optimize the overall operation of the plant. A comprehensive program of predictive maintenance management uses a combination of the most effective tools in cost to get the actual operating condition of critical systems and industrial plant based on these real data, all maintenance activities are scheduled on a certain basis "as necessary."
Predictive maintenance yield using process heat loss, or other non-destructive techniques can quantify the operating efficiency of equipment or non-mechanical systems of the plant. These techniques can provide the maintenance manager or engineer industrial plant factual information that will enable them to achieve optimum reliability and availability from your plant.

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